FY 2023 Annual Impact Report

Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 was one of incredible challenges for the Housing Development Alliance. Soon after the start of the new FY, a 1,000-year flood hit our region, devastating 3 of the 4 counties we serve. We quickly got to work, helping our community with flood relief & recovery. By November 2022, we transitioned to a "both/and" approach, continuing our disaster recovery efforts while also offering our normal affordable housing programs. In addition to 42 home muck outs, we built 8 new homes and helped 60 families get a record of over $1 million of funding needed to complete home repairs!

Soon after the flood, we knew that we’d need to double our production in the next calendar year, which is part of our Higher Ground plan.

By The Numbers

Eastern Kentucky had a housing crisis before the flood.
What have we done to help our community?

  • 42 Muck Outs Completed

    After the flood, we mobilized our crews to help with community cleanup. From the end of July through October 2022, we performed muck & guts, as well as mold removal and prevention completely free for 42 flood survivor families.

  • 8 New Homes Built & Sold

    Initially, in the months following the flood, we paused our regular work to go all-in on flood relief. That's why this number is much lower than normal. (We typically build & sell 17-20 new homes in a year.) Realizing that folks not impacted by the flood still needed housing help, we eventually adopted a "both/and" approach. We ended the FY with 3 new homes built & sold to flood survivors and 5 built & sold to low-income families!

  • 60 Home Rehabs Completed

    With our staff working to help families get over $1 million of funding, our carpenters completed 37 home rehabs for flood survivors and 23 for low and very low-income homeowners. That's 60 homeowners whose homes were either made much better places to live or were saved following major flood damage!

  • Over 5,000 Volunteer Hours Recorded

    Groups from all over Kentucky and the entire country visited us after the flood and on into the recovery phase of our work in the spring and summer of 2023. We welcomed nearly 800 volunteers, with groups continuing to sign up for work in the late summer and fall. Thanks to over 5,000 hours of added labor, our volunteers helped us speed construction in aid of our community!

  • 3 Construction Crews Added

    In order to increase production levels, HDA has been steadily expanding our capacity. Since the spring of 2023, we have added 3 new construction crews, which means that we are currently running 8 crews instead of our normal 5. By the end of the summer, we hope to increase our crews to 10.

  • 121 Families Served

    Our goal each year is to serve around 100 families. Due to the incredibly high housing needs of our community this year, we greatly exceeded that number out of necessity. On our journey to serving our next 1,000 families (in just 10 years!), we're now at 382 families served and counting as we head into year 4!

Our Programmatic Work

121 Families Served in FY 2023

We have the opportunity to get this recovery right and economically move the needle for some of the most distressed Appalachian counties. Getting people out of substandard housing in flood-prone areas and into safe, energy efficient homes will give residents the opportunity to create wealth through housing.

People Directly Impacted By the Flood

In Just the 4 Counties We Serve


Flood Recovery

In the wake of the 2022 floods, arguably one of the worst disasters ever to occur in the state of Kentucky, local and state leaders identified housing as the #1 need of flood survivors. In a single night, the housing crisis that had existed in Eastern Kentucky before the flood became staggeringly worse. All of the issues related to poor quality housing in the region were only exacerbated. With people looking for leadership and hope, the Housing Development Alliance, as one of the few affordable housing nonprofits operating in the region, stepped up to lead local disaster recovery efforts. 

Faces of Folks You've Helped

Thanks to our funders and donors, we’ve been able to help more people than we ever thought possible! Because of your support, we can continue to help more people as recovery continues. Below are just 6 of the 82 flood survivors you’ve helped during the last fiscal year.

New Homeownership for Flood Survivors

George & Sherry Mullins

George and Sherry nearly lost their lives in the Lower River Caney community of Breathitt County on July 28, 2022. Floodwaters split their home in half, and the couple had to be rescued by helicopter. Thanks to you, they now have a new home on higher ground in northern Perry County!

The White Family

William and his wife, Cheyenne, had built a good life for themselves in Knott County, but in a single night, flash foods demolished their home. Because of you, William, Cheyenne, their son Caleb, and baby Maggie now have a new home that will never flood! Located in the Emmalena community, the Whites’ new home is on Amils Mountain.

Home Repair & Rehabilitation for Flood Survivors

Betty Noble

Living in Lost Creek (not far from Lower River Caney) in Breathitt County, Betty watched floodwaters rise to the top of her home’s windows, thinking that she and her little granddaughter would soon drown. But they survived, and thanks to you, Betty’s home, which isn’t in the floodplain, has been fully rehabbed, making it possible for her to return to the home she loves!

Wilma Hensley

Wilma lost her longtime husband in 2021, and then, on the night of the flood in 2022, she nearly lost the home they’d built together. She and her disabled son, who lives with her, were terrified as floodwaters rose inside their home in far northern Breathitt County. But they made it through the storm and now have a much-improved home with new floors, repaired plumbing, porches, a ramp & more!

Ronnie & Rosemarie Combs

Rosemarie was home alone in Lost Creek on the night of the flood. Pregnant at the time, Rosemarie had to climb a hill to escape the rising water. Her home was destroyed. She and her husband, Ronnie, purchased a mobile home on higher ground that needed accessibility repairs that are difficult for low-income families to afford, but thanks to you, those repairs were made!


Gurney's Bend Now Complete!

This project is one of those we can look at to see what’s possible when we work together. When we just focus on doing good, our people win. A home is not just a place of security; it’s a place of love. It’s a place where memories are built. It’s a place where we’re supposed to feel safe. Gurney’s Bend, a new neighborhood of 15 affordable homes, is a place where people can build their memories with their families and friends.”

The Housing Development Alliance completed our Gurney’s Bend subdivision, a project we began with the City of Hazard in 2018 (construction began in May 2021). The project received strong funding from a CDBG grant from the Department for Local Government (DLG) awarded to the city, as well as many other funders & donors. The 15-home subdivision is the first of its kind in the area, providing affordable housing for low-income families. The final homeowner to move in was Sharon Caudill, a Perry County flood survivor! 

Gurney’s Bend, named for acclaimed Appalachian writer Gurney Norman, who spent part of his childhood in Allais, is a true testament to what can be accomplished when we work together and that “to build a community, you have to BE a community.”

“This project is special, because it marks the first time there’s been a true partnership between us and local government. On this day, it’s important for us to remember that it’s not just 15 houses we are celebrating – but 15 homes! And that every family living here has a story.”
Scott McReynolds
HDA Executive Director

New Low-Income Homeowners!

Your support made it possible for 5 low-income individuals & families to achieve homeownership in FY 2023. These new homeowners each worked with us for at least 18 months, completed Housing Counseling, and provided sweat equity hours in the building of their new homes. Owning a home is one of the best ways we know of to build wealth and break the cycle of generational poverty in Appalachian East Kentucky. Meet 3 of the folks you helped!

Megan Combs

New home located in Hazard, KY

"I'm grateful to those who funded the Gurney's Bend project. You're helping people like me, who are low-income and can't afford to go buy a house on the market, become homeowners."

Brandy Lewis

HDA-built home located in Sassafras, KY

“So thankful for HDA! All the workers are so kind & helpful. Me and my little family love our home!"

Charles Sullivan

New home located in Rowdy, KY

Charles & his wife lived in an aging mobile home that had fallen into disrepair. They worked for over 2 years to get a home through HDA.

Home Repair

HDA completed its first home rehabilitation in 1995 and since that time has completed over 920 home repair, rehabilitation, or preservation projects. In FY 2023 alone, we helped families get over $1 million of funding needed to complete home repairs & rehabilitations! We utilize a variety of funding sources to complete this work, including RD 504 loans/grants, Affordable Housing Trust Fund grants, Kentucky Housing Corporation’s HouseWorks program, regional and local volunteers, and our own funds (including a revolving loan fund and CHDO proceeds).

HDA’s Home Repair Program is designed to help very low and low-income households access loans and grants for home repairs completed by HDA carpenters. At present, we are working with over 250 low-income and very low-income families in need of home rehabs & repairs. Below are 3 of the low-income folks you’ve helped have a better, safer, longer lasting home! 

Hover over the boxes to read a testimonial from each homeowner.

Ruby Watts

New Ramp, Roof & Bathroom Replacement

"These repairs are going to make a lot of difference in my life. I want to stay in my home as long as I possibly can. I live alone and recently had hip surgery. I can't fix my roof, and you can't find anybody these days to make repairs. It takes me 5 minutes to get up my steps, and I can barely get my leg into my bathtub. HDA has been wonderful. I'm so grateful!"

Joyce Hensley

New Flooring

"I have MS (multiple sclerosis), and I had carpet throughout most of my house. Sometimes, it was difficult for me to walk in my house. Changing the texture of the flooring has made a real difference. I really like it! It’s also made a difference in the appearance of my home. I think all of the work that HDA has done on my house is going to allow me to live in this house until I die."

Carol Lewis

Floor Replacement & Energy Efficiency Upgrades

"The repairs have done so much for me! When I would do my dishes, I was scared to death I was going to go right through the floor and into the basement! I’d already fallen and tripped on the old floor. Without HDA, I would have just had to patch it up and done the best I could because I couldn’t have afforded to fix it. There would have been no way."

Hope Building

Our newest program, which began in 2019, does two crucial things for our community: 1) it provides paid, on-the-job training in home construction to men & women in substance use recovery, and 2) it produces much-needed workforce housing that is sold on the open market. While HDA does focus much of its construction efforts on homes for low-income people, we also work with middle-income families towards buying an affordable home through our Hope Building Program. Here are Hope Building’s highlights from the past year:

10 Trainees

6 trainees this fiscal year graduated our program by finding full-time employment. 4 trainees still remain on our crew. Across its history, Hope Building has had 34 total trainees, with 21 successfully finding gainful employment because of the opportunities our program offers. That's a success rate of over 60%!

3 Homes Sold

3 Hope Building homes sold locally on the open market! The program also sold its first home in Breathitt County. A local teacher, nurse, and flood survivor purchased our affordable homes, which allows them to live, work, and raise families in our community. So far, Hope Building has sold 10 homes overall.

3 Homes in Construction

Hope Building trainees continue to work on new homes while also taking construction courses at Hazard Community & Technical College. They are currently working on 3 homes that they began building near the close of the fiscal year. We hope to open new projects soon!

Hope Building Homeowners


A mother of two, Aaliyah is a teacher at East Perry Elementary School in Hazard. Her new home is in the Emmalena community of Knott County – just 10 minutes from the school!


A local nurse and mother of 3, Amber’s new home is located in Breathitt County. “If this program hadn’t been an option for me, I’d still be living in a single-wide trailer, paying $850 a month rent,” Amber said. 


Deborah survived the 2021 and 2022 record-breaking floods in Breathitt County, but both times, her home was majorly damaged. The ’22 flood destroyed it. Thankfully, our Hope Building Program built a new home for Deborah on higher ground, allowing her to remain in the county she loves and maintain her independence.  

The Journey to 1,000

It took 25 years for us to serve our first 1,000 families in Appalachian East Kentucky. In 2019 we pledged to serve our next 1,000 families in less than half the time! Where are we now on the way to our goal?
382 Families Served

PLEASE NOTE: HDA, Inc. is currently awaiting our finalized and approved Audit Report for the last fiscal year (FY 2023). Once the report is received, reviewed by our Board of Directors, and accepted/approved, we will update the numbers below, if needed. We have included our unaudited but final and official FY numbers to give you some idea of our anticipated impact.

How much money did HDA invest in the local economy?

$ 0


In FY 2023, HDA had an annual budget of $6,634,034.52.

Housing Development Alliance, Inc. relies on both private and public revenue sources ranging from private donations to federal grant awards to fund its programs and services. Operating funds are provided by developer fees, donations, and grants.

Total Revenue

$ 0

How Do We Use Our Funding?

We are proud to say that nearly 85% of our funding goes directly to our programs and services that impact the families of our region! The other 15% is spent on management & general operations, with only around 1% spent on fundraising.


FY 2022 Audit Report

The full report from an independent auditor. Here you will find our Statement of Financial Position, our Income Statement, and more. (The full FY 2023 Audit Report will be posted soon! In the meantime, we have provided our 2022-23 Budget Summary for you.)

2021 Form 990

This form provides an overview of our activities & governance as well as detailed financial information. *We will post our 2022 Form 990 as soon as it is available!

Thank You to Our Volunteers!

Listed Alphabetically

1st Presbyterian Church – Hastings, NE

1st Presbyterian Church – Neenah, WI

Boston College Appalachia Volunteers

Davidson College Presbyterian Church

DreamBuilders Maryland (Ultimate House Raising Challenge Champions X2!)

Ethan Hurt (Individual)

First United Methodist Church (DC)

HHCK AmeriCorps Service Project

Layne Stacy (Individual)

Michigan State University (ABS)

Off the Wall Discipleship (OH)

Saint Joseph University APEX

Sitel Group (now Foundever) – Chavies, KY

Temple University Honors Program

University of Louisville (Alternative Breaks)

University of Redlands (CA)

University of Kentucky

Western North Carolina Presbytery

Thank You to Our Funders!

Listed Alphabetically

AEP Foundation – Kentucky Power
Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF)
Appalachians for Appalachia
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)
Berea College Appalachian Fund
Blue Grass Community Foundation
Blue Ridge Insurance Group LLC
Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Coalition for Home Repair
Delores Barr Weaver Legacy Fund
Department for Local Government
Eastman Foundation
Endeavor Charitable Fund
Enterprise Community Partners
Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky
Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) of Cincinnati
Housing Assistance Council (HAC)
Kentucky Colonels Foundation
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC)
Kentucky River Properties LLC
KYANA Charities, Inc.
People’s Self-Help Housing
Save-A-Lot Foundation
State Farm Companies Foundation
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Episcopal Diocese of Lexington
The James Graham Brown Foundation
The Mulhollem Cravens Foundation
The Perry County Community Foundation
The Thompson Charitable Foundation
USDA Rural Development
U.S. Dept. of Energy and KY Energy & Environment Cabinet
Walmart Foundation
WellCare Health Plans of Kentucky
Whitaker Foundation
William T. Foley Foundation

Special Thank You to Our Partners

The City of Hazard (KY)
The Housing Can’t Wait Initiative
With Special Thanks to the Perry County Fiscal Court

Thank You to Our Donors!

Listed Alphabetically

Adam & Ashley Johnson
Adina Abramowitz
Alix Shutello
Allan & Susan Naylor
Amber Greathouse
American Business Systems
American Online Giving Foundation
Amy Doll
Amylyn Crawford
Andrea Boyd
Andy Kegley
Angela Aldous
Angie Chan
Anne Doll-Pollard
Annie Williams
Ashley Cochrane
Audrey Darville
Bart Baldwin
Ben & Maria Braman
Bill Griffin
Bowman Memorial UMC
Brandi Quillian
Brendan Hogan
Brian Littleton
Brian Erickson
Brooke Held
Byron Kelly
C Roberts
Carla Davis
Carson Tucker
Cassie Moses
Catherine Prather
Cecilia Maggard
Chin Kim
Chris Doll & Jennifer Weeber
Chris Yetman
Christina Schlarb
Christy Cassady
Church of Reconciliation – Chapel Hill, NC
Church of the Holy Spirit – Mars Hill, NC
City of Hazard
Clara Leonard
Connor & Karrie McBryde
Craig Favor
Damiano & Helen Buffa
Dave Ringle
Dave & Diana Doll
David Lollis
David & Janet Kreher
David & Susan Denning
Deborah Hawk
Deborah Lewis
Diane Loeffler
Dinah Wiley
Doll Family Reunion Attendees
Edith Emerson
Edward & Mary Ellen Grigsby
Edwin Hampton
Elise Fessler
Ellen J. Hahn
Emily Wilson-Hauger
Endre Samu
First Federal Savings & Loan Association – Hazard, KY
First United Methodist Church – Champaign, IL
Flat Rock Holiness Church – Flat Rock, AL
Flour Creek Christian Church – Butler, KY
Franciscan Friars – Oldenburg, IN
Gary Bennett
Gina Chamberlain
Grace Goulson
Grace Immanuel United Church of Christ – Louisville, KY
Greenwood United Methodist Church – Greenwood, IN
Gregory Hall
Hamilton County (OH) Council of PTAs
Helen Wells
Holly Katz
Holy Trinity Catholic Church – Edinburgh, IN
Howell Henry
India Watkins
Ink Blot Shop LLC – London, KY
J. David Jones
James McMahon
James & Marcia Brown
James M. & Judy Jolly
Jan Richardson
Janet Smith – Perry Farm Bureau Insurance
JD Wood
Jeanne Marie Hibberd
Jeannine Christian
Jeremy & Evelyn Wood 
Jerry & Mary Ann Doll
Jessica Warner
Jim Beavin
Jim & JoAnne Kenyon
Jim & Tammy Ekrut
Joanne Toms
Joe & Christina Bezold
Joe & Tamara Belden
Joey Jones
John Bauer
John Rasche, Jr.
John & Kathy Doll
John K. & Rose Mary Gunsett
John Michael & Missie Quillen
Josh Munnikhuysen
Judith Daniel
Julia Fitzgerald
June Elmore
Kara Mathes
Karen Hogan
Karen Alfano

Karen Reuter
Katherine Owen
Katherine Randolph
Kathryn Scanlon
Kay Roberts
Kelly Kennoy
Kelsey Speaks
Kevin Pearson
Kevin & Carly Manuel 
Kim Dalbenzio
Kristan Thoke
Larry & Carolyn Dipboye
Larry & Sally Monroe
Laura Thomas
Lauren Duncan
Leanna Arnold
Lee Morris
Lee Ann Taylor
Leigh-Anne Krometis
Linda Glaser
Lisa Fong
Lisa Mahon
Lorien Gilbert
Louisville Water Company
Maggard Brothers Funeral Home – Hazard, KY
Manon Berger
Marcia Potthast
Margaret Yoke
Marion County (KY) Cattlemen’s Association, Inc.
Mary McCutcheon
Mary Kay Rayens
Mary T. Boyd
Matthew & Michelle Doll
Meg Vincent
Michael Jozwik
Michael D. Stiwinter
Michele Gamble
Michelle Kaiser
Michelle Budzek & Gregory T. Brodrick
Mike & Diane Bingham
Mike & Julie Hodge
Mimi Pickering
Mindy Miller
Molly O’Rourke
Mountain View Independent Methodist Church – Asheboro, NC
Mr. Thomas J. Fillenwarth & Dr. Kathryn L. Lane
Nathan & Shelly Hawthorne
Nedia Hicks
Nikki Smith
Norman & Donna Vincent
Oscar & Marjory Brown-Britt
Pamela Bridgeforth
Paris (KY) Stockyard
Parkway Christian Fellowship – London, KY
Patricia Riestenberg
Patricia McGuiness-Carmichael
Paul Jaworowski
Peoples Bank and Trust Company
Photography by Larry Witt
Ramon & Elsie Shupe
Randy & Jackie Moon
Rebecca Powell
Richard & Gail Westman
Robert Cato
Robert & Lanita Schuster
Roger & Barbara Wrisberg
Russell Huxtable
Russell Bailey
Sandy Graves
Sara Tzaperas
Scottsville Allen Faith Coalition – Scottsville, KY
Sean McGinnis
Seth Finck
Sherry Trent
Sherryl Croitor
Shirley Kadoura Winchell
Shyanika Rose
Southeastern Kentucky Rehabilitation Industries Inc.
Srikar Katta
Stacy Stanifer
Stacy Mullins
Susan Goody
Susan Burgess-Parrish
Sitel Group (formerly SYKES/now Foundever)
Temple University Honors Program
Terri McReynolds-Gilbert
Terry Dyke
Terry Walker
The Marist Brothers – Marist Youth Program – Bronx, NY
The Mountain Real Estate Company (Edgar Whitaker, Jr.)
The Welcome Class – FBC Cumming – Cumming, GA
Thomas & Suzanne Rhodenbaugh
Timothy J. Dunn
Timothy Arnold
Timothy & Cheryl Truax
Todd Morgan
Todd & Beth Vincent
Tom & Letha Patterson
Tom & Marjorie Weeber
Treva Scott
Troy & Jennifer Rapp
Vera Hopper
Victoria Cox
Vivian Patrick Cornett
Washington County (KY) Livestock Center
Wendy Hansen-Smith
William Andrews
William Ward
William & Mary Burke
Winne Beach
Xavier & Rose Reilly
Yasho Lahiri

Thank You to The Carpenter's Helpers!

HDA's Monthly Giving Club

Troy & Jennifer Rapp

Larry & Sally Monroe

Timothy J. Dunn

Cecilia Maggard

Craig Favor

Kara Mathes

Alix Shutello

Memorial Gifts (Gifts in Memory)

In memory of Joyce & Bill Cornett by Karen Reuter
In memory of Ricky Westman by Dr. Michelle Kaiser
In memory of Jim Doll by Jerry & Mary Ann Doll
In memory of “Pretty Ricky” Westman by Adam & Ashley Johnson
In memory of Mark Otis Thornton by Lisa Mahon
In memory of Charlotte Leiter by Elise Fessler
In memory of Scott Lucero by Timothy Arnold
In memory of Neal Chamberlain by First United Methodist Church – Champaign, IL
In memory of Mary Foley Carew by the William T. Foley Foundation
In memory of Lewis, Eliza, and Winston Hopper by Vera Hopper
In memory of Jim Doll by Mike & Diane Bingham
In memory of Jim Doll by the Doll Family Reunion Attendees
In memory of James Doll by Matthew & Michelle Doll
In memory of Joann Davis by Mimi Pickering & Dee Davis
In memory of Lonnie Miller by Mindy Miller
In memory of Jo Johnson by Elise Fessler
In memory of Ricky Westman by Gail & Richard Westman

Tribute Gifts (Gifts in Honor)

In honor of Chris Doll by Angela Aldous
In honor of Scott McReynolds and Chris Doll by Patricia Riestenberg
In honor of Chris Doll by Marcia Potthast
In honor of Mark Otis Thornton by Sherryl Croitor
In honor of John (a good friend) by Kathryn Scanlon
In honor of Kathryn Beach by Winnie Beach
In honor of Scott McReynolds by Sandy Graves
In honor of Tom Boyd (former Sociology professor at Berea College) by Lee Morris
In honor of Chris Doll by Roger & Barbara Wrisberg
In honor of Scott McReynolds by Andy Kegley
In honor of Anna Grace Mullins by Edith Emerson
In honor of Andrea Boyd by Mary T. Boyd
In honor of My Dear East KY Friends by Amylyn Crawford
In honor of Chris Doll by John & Kathy Doll
In honor of Aldon & Astrid Jolly and Andi Jolly by Dr. James & Judy Jolly
In honor of Chris Doll by Brian Littleton
In honor of Norman & Donna Vincent by Meg Vincent
In honor of Norman & Donna Vincent by Todd & Beth Vincent
In honor of Judith Daniel by Terry Dyke
In honor of Evan Vittitow by Tom & Letha Patterson
In honor of Hilary Vittitow by Tom & Letha Patterson
In honor of Chris Doll & Family by Roger & Barbara Wrisberg
In honor of Gerry Roll by Michelle Budzek & Gregory T. Brodrick
In honor of Jennifer Christian by Jeannine Christian
In honor of Bobby Vittitow by Kara Mathes

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